
Mother's day

We've just finished our Mother's day craft... I'm soooo tired!! But it was worthy.

Well, we did two things actually: a poem-book and a recicled flower bunch (see photo above).

About the book...well I'll show it page by page someday but I couldn't keep a sample since my children had to take them home.

And now, let's talk about the bunch: I found it on the internet time ago, but I couldn't put it into practice till now. I got the idea from here. You just need a toilet paper roll, a pair of scissors, school paints and a stick (BBQ skewer). It's really easy and you can do it really fast (you have to wait for the paint to dry though). The pencil holder/ vase was a colleage's idea made with coloured card.

Hope you like it.


Saint Patrick's day mobile

I know it's a bit late, but I never know when I'm able to write so I've decided to write the posts as they come to my mind. I'll tag them afterwards and that's it!
So.... let's do a Saint Patrick's day craft!
This craft is aimed to a 6-year old class. First, you have to look for some colouring St. Patrick's drawings. I choose these: shamrock, leprechaun and rainbow. After a little explanation (so they can understand what they're doing) I show them the mobile. This way, they could see what I wanted them to do and they do their best to get their mobiles exactly as their teacher's. I've never thougth I'm very good at crafts but these children just make you get your self-esteem back!!

Well, after colouring the pictures, you cut them up, glue the rainbow to a cardboard and with a sheet drill you make a hole on both the "characters" and three on the rainbow.

To finish up, you tie three threads (I just made a tongue twister!)and that's it!