
More art in class

After posting this, I decided to go to my school and take some photos of all the art paintings we did for the "Open doors day".

The whole school worked during Crafts Class and the teachers displayed them on the hall's walls so the parents could appreciate how hard their children worked.

Let's have a look at them!.

Gernica by Pablo Picasso
This mural was made by the 3rd and 4th grade students (8- 10 years old children)

Soft Self-Portrait by Salvador Dalí

Made by one of the 5th grade classes (10-11 years old children)

The Scream by Edvard Munch

Made by one of the 2nd grade classes (6-7 years old students), my past year students ^_^

Walk on the beach by Joaquín Sorolla.

I'm really fond of this work because was made by students with special educational needs.

Hope you enjoyed this minitour as much as we enjoyed working with our pupils.


Art in class

I've always loved teaching art to children: How do they react to their first contact with art, what do they think about the work, the colours, composition... it's such an experience that everyone should experience it at least once in their lifetimes.

Everytime I plan an art unit I follow the same steps:

- Decide what I want to work: a special style, an author, a set of paintings... and once I've made up my mind....

- Presenting the work/s to the students. Then, they can start a brainstorming about how does the work makes them feel, what do they think it represents...

- Talking about the author/s: most of the times, I ask my students to seek information about the author, so they can work with their parents at home (and parents can know what are their children are up to). Then, the day you want to talk about the "investigation", most of them are sooooo eager to talk about what they discovered that they hardly let the rest speak (it is really amazing!)

- The last step is to make their own works of art.

And this is what this post is about ^_^

This time, I decided to make a non- introductory art lesson. I looked for well known pieces of art to colour on the internet, but there isn't much variety... so I printed the ones I wanted, enlarged some of them to a DIN A-3 format and copied them with the help of a window (I guess most of us have done this when we were children). Then, I distributed the children in groups and handed out the same paintings for each group to colour. They could choose how to paint them, means to do so, colours... even I allowed them to make the frames if they wanted to.
Once they had finished I laminated them, so they could last forever =)

It's not a good photo, I know, but it's because the strip lightning of the school...

The next art class, I showed them the real works and we commented them. It's great to hear their opinions about the original works and their view.

Even if you aren't a teacher, you should try this with any child you have around.


No messy pumpkin

Working in a school as an English teacher means that I can't spend more than one hour a day to make crafts, and it's important to keep in mind that I'm the one that moves from one class to the other, which means that I can't leave the classes too messy or the class teachers may complain.

So this year, I chose to make a fast and no messy-at-all Halloween craft: our special pumpkin.

You'll need:

- A nice pumpkin carving pattern.

- Glue.

- A sheet of orange cardboard.

-A school bradawl.

-A filter pad.

- A tealight candle.

And the instructions are so simple....: Glue the pattern to the sheet of orange cardboard and place it on the filter pad. With the bradawl punch the pattern. Once it's completely punched, fold the sides of the cardboard so it can stand still. Light up the candle and... voilá!!


Presents (II)

Remember these two bibs??

It's been quite a long time since I last told you about them, but I couldn't (and I shouldn't) delay this topic any longer...

Well, in that post I showed you the pair of bibs I had made a a present for a couple of friends that were expecting their first baby. And as just the bibs seemed quite a little present from me, I made this summer quilt with the same fabrics. I called it "summer quilt" because it has not batting. When I had the front and the backing, I sewed them right sides together.

It was my first quilt and you would see many mistakes for sure, but I'm really proud of it.

They really liked it (or so they said ^_^), and I'm waiting for the summer to come and check if it's really.... useful??


Class curtains

When I sarted working with 1st grade children at my current school, I thought it'd be a great way to welcome them to make their own curtains for the class; this would make the class a little more "theirs".

And they were sooooooo easy to make!!! All you need is:
- A pair of curtains (or as many as you need). I got "mine" really cheap at Ikea
- Fabric paint.
- Children's hands.
and that's it!!