
African mask

Well, let's go!

Last school year the teachers had the chance of carrying out a crafts course aimed to work with it across cultures, you know to help integration. Well, the subject is so huge that we decided to separate crafts by continents.
The day we worked on Africa we did a lot of crafts but one of my favourites was the mask. It was very easy, but I recommend you to work on it from 1st grade (6 years aprox.) on. We took some photos so it would be easier for us to remember the process.
First of all, on a big black card we drew a mask we found on the Intenet and we decided to focus on the eyes, nose and mouth. These woud have cotton glued on them fitting the shapes.

Then, you cover the cotton with a bit water and glue-wet crepe paper (is a kind of solf paper, like a hard tissue but coloured). The colours depend on how you want the mask to be.
To finish, once the glue is dry you can aply a coat of veneer (varnish).
Hope you enjoy!

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